Revolutionizing Cannabinoids Through Science

Producing the full array of cannabinoids in volume in a low-cost crop.

Revitalizing a traditional crop with a safe, wellness product​.

CannaSci, Inc.

What if…

…cannabinoids, especially rare cannabinoids, were available in volume to life sciences companies and medical researchers?

…a cannabinoid plant could thrive in a healthy medium, instead of accumulating contaminants from the soil?

…there were a plant with hundreds of times the productive biomass of cannabis, with cannabinoids in all its leaves?​

…such a crop could have oil in its leaves, shortening a costly and cumbersome cannabinoid extraction process?​

…decades of agronomic research findings and best growing practices for a new cannabinoid crop were already widely available?​

CannaSci is Developing This Plant!

Get in Touch

Joan Snyder

Zachary Zaitzeff​